Thursday, March 20, 2008

3D Motorbike - PAS Superbike [Wallpapers]

3D Motorbike - PAS Superbike 1Need to repair?

This is my first touch of 3D motorbike. It still not make me satisfied much but ok laa for now hehe. After this maybe i will model a 3d chopper, Harley Davidson style.......

3D Motorbike - PAS Superbike 2Where it wanna go eh?

PAS Superbike to the rescue

3D Motorbike Wallpapers, 3D Graphics, CGI


  1. Ish ish ish...Awak naik sorang2 jer lah eh bike tu. Kita tk leh bonceng. Lagipun atot ah. Di perhatikan PAS. Kita ni lum pas pas lagi.. Anyway akhi, good piece there.. Ade lagi tak?? Hehehe..

  2. Salaaam. Hehe x sudi naik sama yerr, isy7 kesiaan ambe, apa kan daya, ku bawak diri je la ngan motor niii, vvrroommmm2!!!!!!!

  3. Salaam.. bukan tk sudi tuan but tmpat pillion tu cotet sangat.. hehe.. lagipun mane bleh bonceng2 sembarangan oiiii...U did a good job with all your sia2 anak mak sorang ni...Keep it up.. Lama2 pasti bleh jadi pro..Insya Allah..Psstt..Design lah bike wit sidecar. Yang bleh muat agak 4 org lagi. Cukup quota!!!!!

  4. Apa je cotet, padan la tuu, Tak tau la kalau ada orang tu mempunyai bumper yang besar hehehe. N terima kasih lah kerana doa tuu. Bike with side car tu belum lg ada perancangan, tengok la kalau berubah hati nanti ....... Pape pn selamat belakaaaa :)

  5. best la pulak tengok motorbike PAS...huhu..xpenah gak.


Thanx for the comment :)