Wednesday, April 16, 2008

3D Landscapes - Weird plants collection [Wallpapers]

3d islamic wallpapersCoconut trees in a pink sea

Jungledible in the fantasea 3d graphic landscape picture
Jungledible in the fantasea

Weirdo winter 3d graphic landscape picture
Weirdo winter

rose land 3d graphic picture

Rose land

3d islamic wallpapersMushrooms in a desert

3d landscapes wallpapersTree of fruits mix

3D Landscapes Wallpapers , Islamic wallpapers, 3D Graphics
3d Islamic wallpapers


  1. Salam, my friend. Thanks for visiting my blog again. Really appreciate it. I am impressed with those pictures on this blog. So you really create all those pictures by yourself? I will add your link soon okay.

    I'm wonering if you are a working people or student?

  2. Salaam my fren. All the 3D pics i created myself, using 3d studio max. Anybody can too if they have interest to study that software hehe.

    I'm just a blogger n do some small business, a man over 30 years old now :D

    Anyway thanx for everything my fren. Cheers and all the best 2 u. Jazaakallahu khoir :)

  3. salam mr forumer. Thanks for visiting my blog again. Oh, so no wonder lah, the pictures look so great because you are using 3d studio max.

    Over 30? kind of older brother to me . :) Erm, may I know what kind of business you run because even I'm a student, I'm also interested in doing business.

  4. cool wallpapers.


Thanx for the comment :)