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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bi-Metal coins collection

Bi-Metal coins collection
Bi-Metal coins collection

This is my own personal collection of bi-metal coins, which has yet to be fully completed. If there is an addition to this collection, i will update.

Italy bi-metal coins

500 Lire 1987 Italy bi metal coin
500 Lire 1987 - Size 25.8 mm (issued 1982 - 2001)

Bi-metallic coins have been issued for a long time, with examples known dating from the 17th century, while the Roman Empire issued special occasion, large medallions with a center of bronze or copper and an outer ring of orichalcum, starting with the reign of Hadrian. The silver-center cent pattern produced by the United States in 1792 is another example. In the 1830s and 1840s, British medalist Joseph Moore produced large numbers of bi-metallic "penny model" and less common "halfpenny model" tokens, as a proposal to replace the relatively large penny and halfpenny coins. Though not legal tender, Moore's tokens were circulated widely and accepted at face value by many merchants. Despite their popularity, the Royal Mint rejected the proposal, and did not reduce the size of the penny and halfpenny until decimalization.

In recent times, the first circulating bi-metallic coin was the Italian 500 lire, first issued in 1982. Morocco, with a 5 dirhams coin in 1987; France, with a 10 franc coin in 1992; Monaco, with a 10 franc; Thailand, with a 10 baht, in 1988; and Hong Kong, with a $10 coin, in 1993, issued bi-metallic coins for circulation all based on the Italian 500 lire's minting process. India introduced 10 rupee bi-metallic coins in 2009 that are dated 2006 (minted at Noida). Since 1996, Canada has also produced bi-metallic $2 coins (nicknamed "Toonies"), and Great Britain has issued a bi-metallic 2 pounds coin since 1997. [Wikipedia]

Egypt bi-metal coins

Egypt bi metallic coin 1 pound 2008 King Tutankhamun
1 Pound / Junaih 2008. King Tutankhamun mask - Size 25 mm

Syria bi-metal coins

Syria bi metal coin 25 Lirah 1996
25 Lirah / Pound 1996. Central Bank of Syria - Size 25 mm

Botswana bi-metal coins

Botswana 5 Pula 2000 bi metal coin
5 Pula 2000. Caterpillar on leaves - Size 23.4 mm

Philippines bi-metal coins

Philippines coin 10 Piso 2001
10 Piso 2001 - Size 26.5 mm

Ecuador bi-metal coins

Ecuador bi metal coin 100 Sucres 1997
100 Sucres 1997 (commemorative issue) - Size 19.5 mm

France bi-metal coins

France bi metal coin 10 Francs 1992
10 Francs 1992 - Size 22.86 mm

Argentina bi-metal coins

Argentina bi metal coin 1 Peso 1996
1 Peso 1996 - Size 23 mm

Mexico bi-metal coins

Mexico bi metal coin 1 Peso 1998
1 Peso 1998 - Size 21 mm

Uruguay bi-metal coins

Uruguay 10 Pesos 2011 bimetal coin
Uruguay 10 Pesos 2011 - Size 28 mm

Singapore bi-metal coins

Singapore 1 Dollar 2013 bi metal coin
1 Dollar 2013. Merlion - Size 24 mm

Thailand bi-metal coins

Koleksi duit syiling Thailand 10 Baht (1988-2008)
10 Baht (1988-2008) - Size 25 mm

Thailand coin 10 Baht 50th anniversary of King Rama IX reign
10 Baht 50th anniversary of  King Rama IX reigns (commemorative issue) - Size 25 mm

Sri Lanka bi-metal coins

Sri Lanka 10 Rupees 1998 50th Independence Anniversary
Sri Lanka 10 Rupees 1998. 50th Independence Anniversary (commemorative issue) - Size 27 mm

Canada bi-metal coins

Canada 2 dollars 2012 - The war of La Guerre De
Canada 2 dollars 2012. The war of La Guerre De (commemorative issue) - Size 28 mm

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  3. Nice collection, France 10 franc was start 1988.


Thanx for the comment :)

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