1060x754 - Pink Hibiscus Rosa

1060x754 - Hibiscus species

1060x754 - Seven thorns (duri tujuh)

1060x754 - Grass flower

1060x754 - Roselle : Hibiscus sabdariffa



1060x754 - Squirrel tail (Bunga Ekor tupai)


1060x754 - Pink rose


1060x754 - Hibiscus species

1060x754 - Grass flower (Bunga rumput)

1060x754 - Grass flower (Bunga rumput)

1060x754 - Grass flower (Bunga rumput)

1060x754 - Grass flower

1060x754 - Simpoh Air [
Dillenia suffruticosa]

1060x754 - Assorted flowers
Continue to World of flowers photo gallery 10
See also World of flowers gallery 8
Flower wallpapers, Nature pictures,
Macro photography
Camera used : Sony Alpha 200 DSLR, Sigma 70-300mm Macro Telephoto lense
Location : Kuala Lumpur and Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia