Nobody know how vast and huge this universe except God. And there are many kinds of creation from the tiniest to the biggest. It's all out of our mind to think all but enough to know that our creator is The All Knowing and The AlMighty. Look at these photos of galaxies that was taken by Hubble telescope, so amazing right? These are just what scientists had discovered, but there are so many more that human still don't know.
So beautiful and complex they're and we can't imagine how huge they're over there in outerspace. And now just relax and feel the power of God through all these photos. More photos coming up later, this is just part 1, the beginning :D .
So beautiful and complex they're and we can't imagine how huge they're over there in outerspace. And now just relax and feel the power of God through all these photos. More photos coming up later, this is just part 1, the beginning :D .

Still not impress? I don't know how to say :D

Until here only for this part 1 about photos taken by Hubble telescope in the outerspace. So how's your opinion about these? Feel free to give comments. And for further reading about galaxy, you can explore it on Wikipedia.
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