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Saturday, September 20, 2008

National Geographic beautiful landscape collection 1

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A field of bright red poppies dazzles those lucky enough to drive along the undulating hills of Tuscany

A silvery road linking Shiraz and Isfahan passes through the steep Zagros Mountains, Iran

A belt of snow-spotted lava beds stretches across 568,342 acres (230,000 hectares) of Mount Edziza Provincial Park in northwest British Columbia

Surf froths around the wind-and-water-eroded coastal tunnels in southwestern Australia's Port Campbell National Park

Sheep graze amid rolling farmlands in southern Poland's Beskid Mountains

A bare tree stands on a rocky shoreline in Tasmania

A mist-strewn landscape and a lone rustic cabin give this scene in Washington's Olympic National Park

Lakes of central Afghanistan's Band-e-Amir

Sunflowers bloom under a brilliant blue sky between the towns of Siena and San Gimignano in Italy's Tuscany region

Lacy breakers lap the coral reef that rings Bora-Bora, an ancient sunken volcano 165 miles (266 kilometers) northwest of Tahiti in French Polynesia's Society Islands

New Hampshire's White Mountains. Part of the Appalachian Mountains

Water Puddles, Grand Canyon, Arizona

Twin bolts of lightning reach for the depths of the Grand Canyon near Point Sublime

Wyoming's big sky has ample room for this 180-degree rainbow over the Adobe Town rock formations in Red Desert

South Africa's Cape Point

Sulfur, salt, and other minerals color the crater of Ethiopia’s Dallol volcano

Matanuska Glacier is reflected in a glacial lake in Alaska's Matanuska Valley

The still waters of Minnesota's Wasan Lake mirror cloudy skies

Discs of travertine ring a 12-foot-wide (3.7-meter-wide) hot spring in Ethiopia's Danakil Depression

A wide hedgerow, growing thick with hawkweed, borders a field in south Wales, near Brecon Beacons National Park

Grayling Lake Trail, north of Seward, Alaska

Cherry blossoms, Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Japan

Santa Maria cone

A September sunrise greets Mount Colden's summit

Minerals, algae, and cyanobacteria give this geyser in Nevada's Black Rock Desert its brilliant colors.

A rainbow is reflected in Arctic icy waters in Canada's Foxe Basin

Desert in bloom, Simpson Desert National Park, Australia

Sedimentary rock layers in Zion National Park, Utah

Dead Trees, Grand Sable Dunes, Michigan, 1991

Snow-Dusted Peaks, Yosemite National Park, California, 1985

Continue to National Geographic beautiful landscape collection 2

Images source : http://photography.nationalgeographic.com

Nature wallpapers, Places, National Geographic photography

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1 comment:

  1. Look around at the beauty of nature surrounding you and ponder at the Greatness of the Creator.


Thanx for the comment :)

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