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Friday, November 28, 2008

My Dragonfly and Damselfly photo gallery

Dragonfly picture1060x754 - You want some? - A red eyes Dragonfly

dragonfly picture1060x754 - A Dragonfly

damselfly picture1060x754 - A Damselfly

damselfly picture1060x754 - A Damselfly

dragonfly picture1060x754 - A Dragonfly

Dragonfly picture1060x754 - A Dragonfly

dragonfly picture1060x754 - Dragonfly species

dragonfly picture1060x754 - Dragonfly species

damselfly picture1060x754 - Damselfly species

shield bug wanna reach the sky insect picture A yellow black Dragonfly on a stick

Tiger Dragonfly portrait  --  Potret Beliung Harimau

dragonfly picture1060x754 - Dragonfly species

dragonfly picture1060x754 - Dragonfly species

dragonfly picture1060x754 - Dragonfly species (Pepatung)

damselfly picture1060x754 - Damselfly species

damselfly picture1060x754 - Azure Damselfly, whitish - Coenagrion puella

damselfly  picture1060x754 - Azure Damselfly , greenish - Coenagrion puella

Back top of the Tiger Dragonfly macro  --  Bahagian atas belakang Beliung Harimau macro

A red yellow eyes Dragonfly, shot at Pulau Wan Man, Losong, Kuala Terengganu

Face to face with Mr lime green dark brown Damselfly

Continue to Dragonfly and Damselfly category

Insects wallpapers , Nature pictures , Dragonfly and Damselfly Close-up photography , Macro photography

Camera used : Sony Alpha 200 DSLR , with Sigma 70-300mm f4-5.6 DG Macro Telephoto lense, with +4 diopter
Location : Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia

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  1. These photos are incredible and strikingly beautiful. Thank you for sharing your photos and your talent with the world.

  2. thanx for your comment too , all the best to you, have a nice days :)


Thanx for the comment :)

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