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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Zoom Terengganu photo gallery 1

Peace and justice for all .......

Tree silhouette and sunset picture1060x754 - Tree silhouette and sunset

morning mist at Bukit Berangan picture1060x754 - A morning mist at Bukit Berangan, Tepoh

Trees and cows picture1060x754 - Trees and cows

flock of crows picture1060x754 - A flock of crows

dome of stargaze observation laboratory picture1060x754 - A dome of stargaze observation laboratory

Redang Island viewed from Merang picture1060x754 - Redang Island viewed from Merang

Unfinished coconut tree picture1060x754 - Unfinished coconut tree?

Butterfly on a plants picture1060x754 - Butterfly on a plants

Bonsais at Batu Buruk garden picture1060x754 - Bonsais at Batu Buruk garden

Sunset at Gong Badak picture1060x754 - Sunset at Gong Badak

zoom terengganu picture1060x754 - A morning mist at Bukit Berangan

Continue to Zoom Terengganu photo gallery 2

Travel Terengganu photography, Zoom, Nature pictures, Telephoto pictures

Camera used : Sony Alpha 200 DSLR
Software : Photoshop CS3 extended for post-processing
Location : Setiu and Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia

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  1. Lawa nye gambar2 sunset tu. Cantik gak Terengganu ni iyyyerrr...

    Ahhh... tu pun Pulau Redang tapi jauh nya. Bila lah dapat kesana.

    Lawa2 gambar awak Mr Forumer.. Seronok gak yer photography ni, tapi saya klau amik gambar slalu tersasar. Lain yang nak saya amik, lain yang kluar... hehehhe.

    Teruskan usaha anda berkongsi keindahan ciptaan Allah...

  2. Toce2, insyaAllah ambe akan cuba perbanyakkan lagi, bagi gambar2 Terengganu paling banyak dalam dunia kih3

    Pemerhati pn sila la ambik gambar2 sama, bagi kat ambe dan ambe post ke sini insyaAllah :)

  3. Whoah... Cantik neh bila dah di framkekan Mr Forumer.

    Berseri dan bertambah menyerlah gambo2 yang awak tembak ni.

    Jamil2..(bukan En Jamil dari Madu 3 tu yer) Keh7


Thanx for the comment :)

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