
Sunday, March 8, 2009

IR Landscape photography gallery 1

Tok Jembal beach IR

A pond at Tok Jembal IR

Beside the pond at Tok Jembal IR

Mysterious bush IR

Banggol Tuan Muda IR

Travel Terengganu photography, Nature pictures, Landscape wallpapers, Cloudscape, InfraRed photography, IR pictures, Reflection

Camera used : Sony Alpha 200 DSLR + Massa IR filter
Software : Photoshop CS3 extended for post-processing
Location : Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia

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  1. Adoi En Ahmad Nizam.. Semakin canggih awak iyyyer?? Sekali pandang ingatkan Ganu dah turun snow mnow...Rupa2 nya teknik IR..

    Phewww.. power seh...Tak dapat gi negri omputih tu, dpt tatap gambor kat sini pun jadi lah..

    Tahniah.. Semuga bertambah ilham dan semakin pro karya2 anda..

  2. HI Forumer
    You are doing very well on photography.

    Tell me some tips to capture some beautiful image.
    Which lens do you use?
    Hope you will share my friend

  3. Hi Bharat, long time no see u my fren. Sorry too because so so busy , always busy ih ih ih :D

    About tips, i also don't know how to tell because i'm not a pro and not learn it at school officially :D

    But from my experience, i just explore many places and try to find place that really catchy, and imagine we as an artist, want to draw a painting but with the camera :D

    i just use kit lense for landscaping, and fot IR, i just add IR filter. But there are more important thing, it is editing. So i edit my photos in Adobe Photoshop to enhance the image. Always play with CURVES, blend layers and so on.

    But if you don't want to edit in PS, there are another alternative, but i still not use it. But many pro use it and their photos are brilliant! Just try to use cokin filter. Only the disadvantage of using it, the colours at sky are not original anymore, but depend on what colour the cokin filter is.

    that's all for now, i don't know much too in photography, but i can just tell as mush as i know. Thanx my fren, all the best :)

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  5. Assalamualaikum abg zam..mmg hebat lah gambor ni..bile nak ajor kawe edit gambor ni.. :)

  6. adeh.. sama jgk aku mcm pemerhati.. skali tgk mcm ade salji.. rupa2nye wakena beb.. heheehhe.. patut la ade tag IR kat bwh gmbr..

  7. Syam : Gambar ni kena guna IR filter sambung kat lense kamera Syam. Kalu nk try mari la sining! :D

    Takumi : Keh3 kan dah kenaaa! tahniah kerana masuk rancangan Wakena Beb!! huhu

  8. ade jugak rancangan wakena beb dlm ni rupanye.. adehhhh.. kabare wak maniri skrg..? =)

  9. Wak maniri ok alhamdulillah. Weei Takumi, bila nak teman aku pergi shooting night shot sekali kat bandar KT tuu?? aku tau2 aje laa, koboi, malam2 x berani pergi bandar huhu

    jom la sekali bohh!!! kang nk test night shot, tengok jalanraya ada light je tp kereta x dok hehe

  10. bleh je nk tra g skali.. tapi aku bz mggu ning.. esk ade org kawen.. pahtu aku ade exam 2 hari.. pahtu esokan g ngator plok.. pahtu br free kot.. hehehe.. shiekh jangboree ade balik tu.. tau ke dok..? hehehe..

  11. eh Jang ada balik ke? biar betoi?? hhmmm senyap jer tuu

    mu exam menda pulok tu?? sejok bila jadi student? keh3 apa2 pn semoga sukses, bukan sahaja exam tu, tapi sukses dunia akhirat insyaAllah, amiin ;)

    esok tu ada orang kawen ke mu kawen?? :D

  12. aku exam perkhidmatan je.. nk soh jwtn.. xsoh2 lagi ni.. kat 2thn doh.. jeng2.. amiin ;)

    klu aku kawen msti sapa doh kad dumoh mu.. jgn bmbg ar.. hehehe.. :p

  13. ooo soh jawatan, ingatkan nk naik pangkat, jadi guru besor ke keh3. doh tu guaner doh keputusan?? harap2 lulus dengan cemerlang, amiin

  14. Excellent work!! Congratulations. Which number of IR filter are you using a 720nm or a 850nm?

  15. Dear Anonymous, i just used a very cheap IR filter - Massa IR Filter. It not stated whether the filter is 720 or 850 :D

    I enhanced the photos in Photoshop because the result from the filter is not really satisfied me

    Anyway thanx and all the best :)


Thanx for the comment :)

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