To each his own Anonymous... There is no pleasing everyone. Some like it hot and some like it cold... sumthing to that effect...heheheh.. I like it though.. very much...
From Singapore coins collection we move to Malaysia (Malay...ya) coins collection . This is my own personal collection which has yet to be ful.. Read more
From Great Britain coins collection we move to Thailand co...oins collection . This is my own personal collection which has yet to be fully co.. Read more
Recent Comments
AnonymousGreat and I have a nifty offer you: What…
salam.. bile nok ajor ambe wt gambor gining..? he..he..he..
ReplyDeleteLahai.. Comel2 anak2 ni... Tengok muka mereka yang 'innocent'tu rasanya kalau boleh nak masuk balik dalam perut mak...
ReplyDeleteStylo mylo lah awak nya editing ni En Neezhom..
terrible editing !!
ReplyDeleteTo each his own Anonymous... There is no pleasing everyone. Some like it hot and some like it cold... sumthing to that effect...heheheh.. I like it though.. very much...
ReplyDeleteNo worries, i accept all comments. it's up to you Anonymous to express your opinion
ReplyDeleteBut if you can explain why and where is the terrible, and show your work for example for me to learn, i will be more appreciate :)